Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Work from home schemes

People say that despite all the job losses and decline of available positions, people are still making money. Um, how?? Many are sitting at home on their computers reading their spam mail and considering trying one of the scam-a-liscious products being offered. These are the people that are still making money during one of the worse recessions since the Great Depression. Now, I'm not saying the people who are buying the kits with their last bit of savings are making the money. No. The friendly folks who advertise and sell these bogus products are the ones profiting. Is it right to scam vulnerable Americans out of their hard earned dollars? I thought we left that up to the government. Why do we have to resort to doing the same to our fellow man? Every time i log on to YouTube and type in "work from home", I get the same hair brained schemes popping up. Things like Google bucks, cash gifting, take surveys for money, eBay riches, promises of government grants, and the ever so annoying MLM. First, these companies think the average American is an idiot!! They reel you in with "PAY ONLY $1.99 for s+h!" thinking no one will read the terms and conditions and fine print. Most of these programs charge the initial $1.99 and then seven days later-- BAM!! $67.99 comes out of your account! How rude?! The government grants promise is far worse. Do you know how much work has to go into applying for a grant? Writing a proposal, setting your proposal apart from the millions of others just like it, finding grants that suit YOU (a regular Joe) and not a major company or nonprofit organization. The cash gifting is just like gambling. Maybe you get paid, maybe you get screwed. And, the chances for being screwed are extremely high. Taking surveys for money. Money? Really? Now, I've tried to sit at my computer and take surveys for money. The problem is: all the surveys don't pay out in cash. Sometimes, it's an entry in a sweepstakes. How do we know there's ACTUALLY a sweepstakes winner?? Then, you get surveys that pay in points or pay pennies and you have to accrue enough for them to actually cut you a check. Honestly, I spent eight hours one day taking survey after survey and ended up with over 5000 entries in a (probably fake) sweepstakes, 127 points (points towards what??) and a measly $12. Talk about a ripoff!! Now, the MLM... I don't know where to go with this one. It seems like once you sign up for one of these "opportunities", you're only taking part in the exact scheming I'm referring to! UGH!! All I want is for someone to literally try all these programs while filming it guerrilla documentary style and show me what works and what doesn't. It's that simple. I'm tired of being played by rich people who's way of getting rich was NOT by doing what their suggesting we do, but by charging us for "showing us the way to do it". If you knew of a way to make millions of dollars, would you share it with millions of people? You don't see Bill Gates or Oprah teaching you how they made their empire, do you? So, why should we believe these people? Just food for thought, folks.

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